Friday, April 24, 2015

New Feature on Address Search

On May 6, when searching the Street Name field in the Flexmls Address Search, a feature improvement will allow you to use a drop-down menu to choose if the field begins with, contains, or ends with the text you type into the search box.

To access the this feature go to the Search Menu and select Address Search. Then use the drop-down selection in front of the Street Name field.

Begins With
If you select Begins with, the street names for listings in the search results will all begin with the text you enter into the Street Name search field. In the example below, I've selected Begins with "Hwy 75."

The street names for all of the listings in the search results begin with "Hwy 75."

If you select Contains, the street names for the listings in the search results will all contain the text you enter into the Street Name search field, whether the text appears at the beginning, middle, or end of the street name. In the example below, I've selected Contains "75."

The street names for all of the listings in the search results contain "75," regardless other text in the street name. In this case, Highway 75 has been spelled two different ways in the system: Hwy 75 and Highway 75. Because I'm only searching for "75," all spellings of Highway show up in this search.

Ends With
If you select Ends with, the street names for the listings in the search results will all end with the text you enter into the Street Name search field. In the example below, I've selected Ends with "wood."

The street names for all of the listings in the search results end with "wood," regardless of the what text precedes it. In this case, the street "Goldenwood" has been spelled two different ways in the system: Goldenwood and Golden Wood. Both show up in the search.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

First Quarter Market Summary Report

The 1st Quarter Market Summary Report for 2015 indicates that Northeast Florida shows a positive trend towards a stronger real estate market for the New Year.

Inventory numbers are up while Sold transactions continue to increase. 

Both Average and Median Sold Prices are on the rise as compared to 2014.    

View the full summary.