Thursday, October 10, 2019

Property Type Change Coming in Flexmls

Condominium will be Merged into Residential

You May Be Wondering WHY?

In an effort to be compliant with RESO (Real Estate Standards Organization) guidelines, the current MLS property type of Condominium will be merged into Residential, effective October 30th.

Who is RESO and why do we care?

RESO develops, promotes and maintains standards for real estate industry data. Standardized data could lead to less customized programming from your third-party vendors such as mobile apps, lead generators, etc. Plus having standards can also increase the innovation among products specifically targeted for use by the real estate industry.

What happens to my listings?

Your listing will automatically convert into the Residential property type.  

There was only one field that could not be converted with accuracy:
Building Stories. Because this field will now be defined as a numeric field, the following could not be converted with accuracy. You will want to be sure to update your Active listings with the correct number of Condo Building Stories.

  • 6-10 Stories
  • 11-20 Stories
  • 21+ Stories

The Pool detail had to be reorganized to accommodate both property types but the data will automatically convert. The Pool detail will now include all pool options under one detail. For example, Pool - In Ground, Private, and Community Club Pool, will be in the same detail group.

Type of Dwelling will include both property type selections. For example, it will now include items such as Patio Home and Condominium.

What happens to my saved searches?

There will be no impact to your Saved Searches other than those that include Building Stories. See above.

What happens to my Customer Portals/emails?

Since there will be no change to your Saved Searches, all portals and customer emails will not be impacted. They will continue as usual.

How do I add a condo?

You will go to ADD LISTING > Select TYPE as RESIDENTIAL. You can then auto-populate from the Tax ID Number or proceed to enter the Address. After you enter the Address and click NEXT - the FIRST FIELD YOU WILL NOW SEE IS SUB-TYPE. Select CONDOMINIUM under SUB-TYPE and proceed as usual.

How do I search condos moving forward?

Select Quick Search > Residential. Add the SUB-TYPE as CONDOMINIUM and proceed as usual

1 comment:

  1. How do you select a region and area under a quick search?
