Note: After September 8, clicking to view listings in a manually sent email will also mark your contact's email address as Confirmed. For more information on this process click here. Confirming an email address is a one-time process for your contact; once they confirm they have a valid email address and would like to receive listing updates, they will not need to confirm that email address again even if you set up new subscriptions for them.
Confirmation Email: Updated Text
Just as before, the first time you create a subscription for a contact (with an unconfirmed email address), an email is automatically sent to the contact asking them to click to confirm that they have a valid email address and want to receive subscription listing updates via email. The text in the email will now read: We're excited to be helping you with your real estate needs. We've set up a free portal for you. To get started, click the button below to confirm you want to receive email updates from [your name]. The confirmation button will read: Yes, Please Send Me Listings.
Once your contact clicks the link, their email address will be Confirmed in Flexmls and they will begin to receive listing updates. Clicking the link will also take them to a page that lets them know their subscription has been confirmed and allows them to view their News Feed by clicking View Listings. This allows them to see any listings that should have been sent between the time their subscription was created and the time they clicked to confirm their email address.
If they click Manage Subscription (shown above), it will allow them to unsubscribe from listing updates.
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