Monday, October 8, 2018

Flexmls Expanding Gadget Display

Soon the labels for Hot Sheet and Statistical gadgets will display additional information for location, property type, and other selected criteria. This will make it easier to see exactly which criteria the gadget is using. This is especially useful if your MLS has counties, cities, or overlays with the same name--the gadget will show which location is being used. 

When Will It Change 
This update will be available on October 18, 2018. 

Who Will Be Affected 
All users who have Hot Sheet or Statistical gadgets that are set to display specific locations or criteria. 

What Will Change 
As before, custom Dashboards allow you to specify locations and property types for Hot Sheet and Statistical gadgets (as allowed by your MLS). To select a specific location or property type, you can click the gadget’s More icon (three dots) and select Settings


The label on each gadget will display more information about the location and criteria being used. Additionally, statistical gadgets will now display the specific property type that has been selected. In the example below, you can see that there are multiple locations for Barnstable (County, Town, Village and Map Overlay). Each gadget specifies which Barnstable location is being displayed. 

As before, if the the gadget is using multiple locations, property types or search criteria, you can hover over the gadget’s label to view all of the fields it is using. 


Why Are We Making This Change 
This change makes it easier to identify what information is being used for Hot Sheet and Statistical gadgets. It also reduces potential confusion when looking at your gadgets, especially if your MLS has cities, counties, areas, or overlays that share the same names. 

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